
Our latest press releases on important news and events relating to immigration detention in the United States

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Barr’s decision is the latest move to massively expand deadly immigration detention

April 17, 2019

Washington, DC—In response to U.S. Attorney General William Barr’s ruling to thwart asylum seekers right to bond, Silky Shah, Executive Director of Detention Watch Network, issued the following statement:

“Cloaked in a bureaucratic process change, this is an all out assault in the Trump Administration’s war on immigrants. Barr’s decision to deny many asylum seekers the opportunity to ask for bond will lead to a massive increase in indefinite immigration detention.

ICE actively hides information regarding the death of a 27 year old in immigration detention

April 10, 2019

Adelanto, CA — Detention Watch Network and the Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice are demanding an immediate investigation and public release of the findings related to the death of José Ibarra Bucio. Ibarra Bucio, 27, died on February 7 while in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody after being detained at the Adelanto Detention Center. Two months later, ICE has yet to publicly report any details on Ibarra Bucio’s tragic death.

#DefundHate Escalates Campaign to Cut Funding for ICE, CBP in 2020

March 19, 2019

Washington, D.C. — The #DefundHate coalition announced today the next phase of its national campaign to defund Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Both agencies have well-documented track records of abuse and have repeatedly thwarted oversight and accountability. CBP and ICE play a key role in Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda, and are instrumental in carrying out the militarization of border communities, devastating deportations of individuals and families, and the unconscionable detention of migrants.
