Together, we are stronger
Detention Watch Network (DWN) is a national membership coalition that brings together advocates and organizers to unify strategy and build partnerships on a local and national level to end immigration detention.
Membership is encouraged for organizations and individuals actively engaged in anti-detention work.

The Value of DWN Membership
With a DWN membership, you have access to expert analysis, technical assistance, timely resources and meaningful trainings to strengthen and support your work.
- Build your knowledge and power
- Enhance your expertise
- Amplify your work
- Collaborate with members nationwide
Our Member Community
Becoming a DWN member has empowered me in so many ways. The access to resources, trainings, toolkits to fight back, expert assistance and collaboration with legal advocates have been key as I fight my deportation case. I have learned so much from everyone in the network!
— Alejandra Pablos, #KeepAleFree
If membership isn't right for you, but you still want to contribute to Detention Watch Network:
Another great way to support our work is through becoming a DWN donor - you can contribute with a one-time donation or as a sustaining donor. Donors receive regular DWN updates and have access to selected DWN events. Become a DWN donor today!
DWN Membership Statement
We at Detention Watch Network know that the fight to abolish detention will involve a strong and united movement, and we are proud of our vibrant, diverse, and committed membership. We believe a world without immigration detention is within reach, and we are building towards it with our members.
When it comes to DWN’s strategy and big picture decisions, we actively seek and incorporate input from our members. This happens through surveys, in-person or virtual strategy sessions, creating representative advisory committees, and other channels of communication.
While we solicit input from members on big-picture strategy or organizational directions, DWN is an autonomous 501c3 nonprofit organization with clear mission, values, and vision. As such, DWN staff make decisions on day-to-day operations and implementation of our strategic priorities, including signing on to organizational letters, writing press materials, participating in meetings with policymakers and other stakeholders, etc. Statements made by DWN do not necessarily reflect the views of each member. We welcome feedback from our members and always strive to be responsive to member concerns.
En Detention Watch Network sabemos que la lucha para abolir la detención involucrará un movimiento fuerte y unido, y estamos orgullosxs de nuestra membresía vibrante, diversa y comprometida. Creemos que un mundo sin detención de inmigrantes está a nuestro alcance y lo estamos construyendo con nuestra membresía.
Cuando se trata de la estrategia de DWN y las decisiones generales, buscamos e incorporamos activamente las opiniones de nuestros miembros. Esto sucede a través de encuestas, sesiones de estrategia presenciales o virtuales, creando comités asesores representativos y otros canales de comunicación.
Si bien solicitamos la opinión de nuestra membresía sobre la estrategia general o las direcciones organizativas, DWN es una organización autónoma sin fines de lucro 501c3 con una misión, valores y visión claros. Como tal, el personal de DWN toma decisiones sobre las operaciones diarias y la implementación de nuestras prioridades estratégicas, incluida la firma de cartas organizativas, la redacción de materiales de prensa, la participación en reuniones con formuladores de políticas y otras partes interesadas, etc. Las declaraciones hechas por DWN no necesariamente reflejan las opiniones de cada miembrx. Agradecemos la retroalimentación de nuestrxs miembrxs y siempre nos esforzamos por responder cuestiones de nuestra membresía.
FAQ on Membership
- I'm not actively engaged in anti-detention work but want to be part of the network. What can I do?
Another great way to support our work is through becoming a DWN donor - you can contribute with a one-time donation or as a sustaining donor. Donors receive regular DWN updates and have access to selected DWN events. Become a donor here. - How can I become an individual member?
DWN has restructured our individual member program to increase our focus on individuals directly impacted by the detention system and to provide other individuals with more opportunities to support our work using their time, skills, and resources by becoming ‘Abolition Allies’. Abolition Allies benefits including regular DWN updates, access to listserv, and discounted/free access to webinars & trainings. For more information on becoming an Abolition Ally, email Chrissy Gargano at If you are a formerly detained person and would like to become a directly impacted DWN member, click here. - What is the membership term?
The DWN membership year follows the calendar year, as well as our fiscal year, and runs from January 1st to December 31st. - Why is there a dues payment?
Member dues are a core component to DWN's growth and sustainability. They ensure a non-restricted income stream for DWN campaign activities and to strengthen the work of our members.