Expose & Close started in 2012, when DWN coordinated the release of ten reports that detail the acute and chronic human right violations occurring in immigration detention in the United States today. The reports were authored by DWN members and allies, including policy advocates, community organizers, legal service providers, faith groups and individuals personally impacted by detention, who together have deep experience and understanding of the immigration detention system. On November 28, 2012, 300 national and local organizations sent a letter to the White House, calling on President Obama to close these facilities while making immediate changes to ensure the safety, dignity and well-being of immigrants held in detention.
Expose and Close 2012
- Report
Executive Summary - Report (en Español)
Resumen Ejecutivo - Letter to President Obama
Expose and Close 2012 Facility Reports
- Baker County Jail, Florida
- Etowah County Jail, Alabama
- Houston Processing Center, Texas
- Hudson County Jail, New Jersey
- Irwin County Detention Facility, Georgia
- Pinal County Jail, Arizona
En Español - Polk County Detention Facility, Texas
En Español - Stewart Detention Center, Georgia
En Español - Theo Lacy Detention Center, California
- Tri-County Detention Center, Illinois
In 2013, DWN released Expose & Close: One Year Later, to review conditions in the original ten reports and shine the light on new facilities with egregious human rights violations. In 2014, in light of the alarming expansion of family detention, DWN has chosen to focus its report on the family detention center in Artesia, New Mexico.
- Expose and Close 2013
One Year Later - Expose and Close 2014
Artesia Family Residential Center, New Mexico
All reports are designed by Kathleen Nagata Sato.